Monday, February 3, 2014


This post won't be very long and concerns both sides of the island, because things like earthquakes, hurricanes and diseases carried by mosquitoes like the dengue and the chicungunya do not stop at the frontier.

In fact they have no frontiers, and if those diseases are present on the French side of St. Martin to the extent of being called an epidemic, then it is absolutely impossible for them not to be present on the Dutch side too.

Why is the Dutch side in denial about this? Is it that most of those who get it on the Dutch side come to the French side for treatment?

Instead of denying the presence, they should start fogging for the mosquitoes.

In other French territories the Army was brought in for intensified fogging. Why is that not being done here? And why do the two sides of the island not get together to do proper fogging?

One thing is sure, if it is not on the Dutch side yet, it will definitely get there, andif both sides do not work on the problem, it will not be solved.

St. Martin, when are we going to unite?

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