Monday, April 14, 2014


Am I my brother's keeper? And if I am, when, how and where am I to keep him?

There are many countries in the world today from which the people seem nothing short of desperate to flee.That is not normal. Some people always leave their country, but not the majority.

Everybody wants to improve their life, but not do not leave in rickety boats that are definitely not seaworthy, this is desperation pure and simple.

Only the Almighty knows how many people on both sides of the globe lie buries on the bottom of the sea, because they are running away from their country.

So, when am I my brother's keeper? Only when he is in my country, what about when he is in his own country? Why and why not?

How am I my brother's keeper? What do I have to do for him? Take him into my house, feed him, educate him?

Where am I my brother's keeper? All over the world? There is not a country on God's green earth without poor people, which of them do I have to keep and I definitely cannot keep them all.

Having said all that we need an example to work with. If this blog was in Europe I would take North Africa as an example, but since it is in the Caribbean my example will be Haiti.

Before anything else, allow me to make two (2) remarks, one concerning Haiti, and on concerning Saint Martin.

1. Haiti is the poorest island in the Caribbean and likely to remain that way, since everybody seems to want to leave it.

2. Saint Martin is the most densely populated island in the Caribbean, along with being one of the smallest, and close to the breaking point population wise.

So the question is: why has a world body never been established to investigate exactly what is happening in these various countries that is causing their people to run away?

This body would have to be totally apolitical, that can investicate and give suggestions as to what can be done to help these people in their own countries.

Again, if some of the hundreds of thousands of Haitians for instance, spread throughout the world who are now well educated, do not come back to build the country, it can only slip further down, since those who run the country now either cannot or will not do anything to bring it up.

It is total insanity to expect a different result to expect different results from the same people.

As I said at the beginning, in all those countries where people are desperately running, what is being done by the big countries to be their brother's keeper?

1 comment:

  1. The obvious thing to do when you can't feed them is not to breed them. Blame the religions that want more poor members. because only the poor and desperate go to churches and temples to pray for relief. So if every parent made only one child, one for the father and one for the mother, that is 2 per couple, poverty and hunger would be gone in 40 years. But you will see 9 months from Carnival another explosion of babies who will grow up in poverty.
