Monday, June 2, 2014


This post will not be very long because whenever a native expresses themself they are called among other things xenophobic. My answer to that is it takes one to know one.

People who are not affected by illegal immigrants and overcrowding find it very easy to claim that there are no "illigals" on planet earth. That may be so and I do agree that we should help as many people as possible, but on an island the size of St. Martin which produces nothing and depends on France for everything we are being swamped and it also needs to be said that charity begins at home.

Our politicians seem to be favoring those who come from outside illegally and this creates a false impression of how many people live on this island. Illegals are legalized even though they entered the country illegally, allowed to acquire French nationality, whether Dutch or French, after a few years with no loyalty either to the island or to the European countries whose nationalities they acquire.
The only result of legalization is another wave of illegals, who come to 'try a thing' since others were rewarded for their illegality.

Sooner or later one or several of these groups will present their "own" list and win. How will our politicians get votes then? Coming back to the few remaining natives? We won't be enough to help them then! Too late, too late shall be the cry!

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